
Blueberry Buckle was a Sioux Falls band that was formed by Dennis Westphal, Boyd Bristow, David Hofstad and Al Slaathaug in 1972. The name came from the number of Blueberry Buckle baby food jars in Dennis’ kitchen at the time. Dennis said they could change the name “when we get good.“ From the start, the group featured original material, drawing on country rock, blues, old country, and rock and roll….what would be called roots music today. Dennis, Boyd and Dave were the primary song writers during the first years of the group. Two other song writers eventually joined: Tom Peterson and Susan Osborn. Drummers Bob Gripp and Al Remund were also very important to the group’s sound. Al Slaathaug was Buckle's excellent bassist for the six years the band was together. The group was a full time working band averaging over 200 nights a year. Early on, Buckle landed a gig at a club known as the J&M. The owners gave them a chance, even though it was a country and western venue. Soon the place was jammed with what the regulars referred to as “the hippies.” Buckle would play at the J&M seven nights a week, with a matinee on Sunday afternoons. The group also reunited to play as Dickie Lee’s band for a fall tour in 1985

Many recordings of Blueberry Buckle exist, though nothing has ever been cleared for release. The group disbanded in 1978. All surviving members of the group continue to play professionally. Dennis Westphal passed away in 2012. For the upcoming Hall of Fame concert, Dickie Dawson will take his place on stage.

